
Reports are configurable summaries after Robocop scan. For example, it can be a total number of issues discovered. They are dynamically loaded during setup according to a command line configuration.

Each report class collects rules messages from linter and parses it. At the end of the scan it will print the report.

To enable report use -r / --report argument and the name of the report. You can use separate arguments (-r report1 -r report2) or comma-separated list (-r report1,report2). Example:

robocop --report rules_by_id,some_other_report path/to/file.robot

To enable all reports use --report all.

class robocop.reports.RulesByIdReport#

Report name: rules_by_id

Report that groups linter rules messages by rule id and prints it ordered by most common message. Example:

Issues by ids:
W0502 (too-little-calls-in-keyword) : 5
W0201 (missing-doc-keyword)         : 4
E0401 (parsing-error)               : 3
W0301 (not-allowed-char-in-name)    : 2
E0901 (keyword-after-return)        : 1
class robocop.reports.RulesBySeverityReport#

Report name: rules_by_error_type

Report that groups linter rules messages by severity and prints total of issues per every severity level.


Found 15 issues: 11 WARNING(s), 4 ERROR(s).
class robocop.reports.ReturnStatusReport#

Report name: return_status

Report that checks if number of returned rules messages for given severity value does not exceed preset threshold. That information is later used as a return status from Robocop.

class robocop.reports.TimeTakenReport#

Report name: scan_timer

Report that returns Robocop execution time

class robocop.reports.JsonReport#

Report name: json_report

Report that returns list of found issues in JSON format.

class robocop.reports.FileStatsReport#

Report name: file_stats

Report that displays overall statistics about number of processed files.