Including and excluding rules#

You can include or exclude particular rules using rule name or id. Rules are matched in similar way how Robot Framework include/exclude arguments.

Described examples:

robocop --include missing-keyword-doc test.robot

All rules will be ignored except missing-keyword-doc rule:

robocop --exclude missing-keyword-doc test.robot

Only missing-keyword-doc rule will be ignored.

Robocop supports glob patterns:

robocop --include *doc* test.robot

All rules will be ignored except those with doc in its name (like missing-doc-keyword, too-long-doc etc).

You can provide list of rules in comma-separated format or repeat the argument with value:

robocop --include rule1,rule2,rule3 --exclude rule2  --exclude rule1 test.robot

You can also use short names of options:

robocop -i rule1 -e rule2 test.robot

Ignore rule from source code#

Rules can be also disabled directly from Robot Framework code. It is similar to how # noqa comment works for most linters.

It is possible to disable rule for particular line or lines:

Some Keyword  # robocop: disable:rule1,rule2

In this example no message will be printed for this line for rules named rule1, rule2.

You can disable all rules with:

Some Keyword  # robocop: disable

Ignore whole blocks of code by defining a disabler in the new line:

# robocop: disable=rule1

All matched rules will be disabled until enable command:

# robocop: enable=rule1


# robocop: enable

Ignored blocks can partly overlap. Rule name and rule id can be used interchangeably.

It is possible to ignore whole file if you start file with # robocop: disable and won’t provide # robocop: enable before end of file.


*** Test Cases ***
Some Test  # robocop: disable=missing-doc-test-case
    Keyword 1
    Keyword 2
    Keyword 3

*** Keywords ***
# robocop: disable
Keyword 1
    Log  1

Keyword 2
    Log  2

# robocop: enable

In this example we are disabling missing-doc-test-case rule in 2nd line of the file. Also we are disabling all rules for *** Keywords *** section.