CLI options

To see all available command line interface (CLI) options, execute:

robocop -h


robocop --help

and you will be shown with the following output:

usage: robocop [-i RULES] [-e RULES] [-rules EXT_RULES] [-nr] [-r REPORTS] [-f FORMAT] [-c CONFIGURABLE] [-l [PATTERN]] [-lc [PATTERN]] [-lr] [-o PATH] [-ft FILETYPES] [-t THRESHOLD] [-A PATH] [-g PATH] [-gd PATTERN]
           [--language LANGUAGE] [-h] [-v] [-vv]
           [paths ...]

Static code analysis tool for Robot Framework

Required parameters:
  paths                 List of paths (files or directories) to be parsed by Robocop.

Optional parameters:
  -i RULES, --include RULES
                        Run Robocop only with specified rules. You can define rule by its name or id.
                        Glob patterns are supported.
  -e RULES, --exclude RULES
                        Ignore specified rules. You can define rule by its name or id.
                        Glob patterns are supported.
  -rules EXT_RULES, --ext-rules EXT_RULES
                        List of paths with custom rules.
  -nr, --no-recursive   Use this flag to stop scanning directories recursively.
  -r REPORTS, --reports REPORTS
                        Generate reports after scan.
                        You can enable reports by listing them in comma-separated list:
                        --reports rules_by_id,rules_by_error_type,scan_timer
                        To enable all reports use all:
                        --reports all
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Format of output message. You can use placeholders to change the way an issue is reported.
                        Default: {source}:{line}:{col} [{severity}] {rule_id} {desc} ({name})
                        Configure checker or report with parameter value. Usage:
                        -c message_name_or_id:param_name:param_value
                        -c line-too-long:line_length:150
                        --configure 0101:severity:E
  -l [PATTERN], --list [PATTERN]
                        List all available rules. You can use optional PATTERN argument to match rule names
                        (for example --list *doc*).
                        PATTERN can be also ENABLED/DISABLED keyword to list only enabled/disabled rules.
  -lc [PATTERN], --list-configurables [PATTERN]
                        List all available rules with configurable parameters.
                        You can use optional PATTERN argument to match rule names (for example --list *doc*).
                        PATTERN can be also ENABLED/DISABLED keyword to list only enabled/disabled rules.
  -lr, --list-reports   List all available reports.
  -o PATH, --output PATH
                        Path to output file.
  -ft FILETYPES, --filetypes FILETYPES
                        Comma-separated list of file extensions to be scanned by Robocop
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Disable rules below given threshold. Available message levels: I < W < E
  -A PATH, --argumentfile PATH
                        Path to file with arguments.
  -g PATH, --ignore PATH
                        Ignore file(s) and path(s) provided. Glob patterns are supported.
  -gd PATTERN, --ignore-default PATTERN
                        Paths ignored by default. A regular expression to exclude directories on file search.
                        An empty value means no path is excluded. Default: (\.direnv|\.eggs|\.git|\.hg|\.nox|\.tox|\.venv|venv|\.svn)
  --language LANGUAGE, --lang LANGUAGE
                        Parse Robot Framework files using additional languages.
  -h, --help            Print this help message and exit.
  -v, --version         Display Robocop version.
  -vv, --verbose        Display extra information during execution.

For full documentation visit: